We would love to update our records so we can celebrate you properly. Please fill out the form below with your current information and we will update our records accordingly.
I keep an article by Karen Manczko, the Foundation’s Wespath Institutional Investments contact person, entitled “What John Wesley’s ‘Three Simple Rules’ Teach Us about Values Aligned Investing.” Wespath, formally the General Board of Pensions for the United Methodist Church, manages most of the assets for The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas.
Among friends of The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas, there was much to celebrate at the 37th Annual Bishops’ Club Luncheon. This year’s event, held on Friday, May 17, 2024, at Little Rock’s Camp Aldersgate, included a record attendance crowd and featured speaker Dr. Ashley Boggan, the General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History.
The Journeys of Paul to Greece and Turkey International Study Cohort will be a comprehensive international study experience comprised of fifteen pastors who will study overseas for the purpose of gaining knowledge and information that will strengthen their preaching in local congregations.
Applications are now open for the second cohort of the Compelling Preaching Initiative.
On Saturday, September 23, 2023, The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas and over 200 of our closest friends celebrated 60 years of supporting Methodist ministries in Arkansas. Thank you to all who joined us!
LITTLE ROCK, ARK. (October 4, 2023) - The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas has received a grant of $1,249,972 from Lilly Endowment Inc., focusing on serving the local Methodist church by providing resources and support for leadership development.
The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas awarded a grant for $195,655 to The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’ (UAMS) 12th Street Health & Wellness Center. With the grant, UAMS will purchase essential imaging equipment for the clinic.
Rev. Wayne Clark, President and CEO, (left), and Rev. Mackey Yokem, Director of Leadership Ministries (right) for The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas, delivered the final $50,000 grant award installment to Philander Smith University representative Dr. Charles Donaldson (center) on Wednesday, August 9, 2023.