Bishops’ Club members make gifts to the Foundation to honor the bishops and their families who have served our state since 1836. These gifts encourage other donations, expand United Methodist ministries and allow the Foundation to provide free services to individuals and local churches.
There are two levels of membership:
- Lifetime Members are donors who contribute a one-time gift of $15,000 to the Cornerstone Fund, an endowment to support the ministry of the Foundation. Individuals with life income gifts to the Foundation with a remainder interest of $15,000 or more are also eligible.
- Annual Members donate $1,000 each year to the Foundation. 100% of the Bishops' Club support goes toward our grants ministry. Within our Annual Membership, we have designated membership for:
- Early Career Clergy, those who have been ordained within the last five years, are invited to join the Bishops’ Club with a donation of $500.
- Members over 90 years old, who have contributed for 10+ years may maintain their membership as an Emeritus Member. An Emeritus Member has the option to continue to contribute the annual donation or, as a thank you for their years of support, accept a complimentary membership from the Foundation.
You may know the Bishops' Club was initially organized to help support the Foundation's daily operations. We continue to be blessed that we can now dedicate all of these gifts toward our discretionary grant work. Your continued support will allow the Foundation to fulfill our mission of strengthening and expanding Methodist ministry in Arkansas.
To join Bishops’ Club, contact Lynn Kilbourne at 501-664-8632 or
Bishops' Club Luncheon 2024
Among friends of The Methodist Foundation for Arkansas, there was much to celebrate at the 37th Annual Bishops’ Club Luncheon. This year’s event, held on Friday, May 17, 2024, at Little Rock’s Camp Aldersgate, included a record attendance crowd and featured speaker Dr. Ashley Boggan, the General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History. Click here to learn more and see photos from the event.
2025 Bishops' Club Member List
Beth Henderson Abbott
Rev. Maxine Allen
Rev. Ellen R. Alston
Mrs. Mildred Alston*
Andy and Myra Altom
Amy Anderson
Mark and Karen Anderson
Dr. Sarah Argue and Mr. Matthew Anderson*
Ellis and Kim Arnold
Rev. DeeDee and Mr. John Autry
Rev. Biff and Ann Averitt
Mr. Kaleb Barrett and Rev. JJ Whitney*
Dr. Andrea Donaldson Barnes and Mr. Kevin Barnes
Patrick and Rev. Sara Bayles Charlton
Rev. Mike and Mrs. Nancy Blanchard
Todd and Tricia Burris
Dr. Greg and Rev. Jeanie Burton
Paul and Rev. Patti Butler
Anita B. Cabe
Mrs. Earl Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Clif Christopher
Hazel and Ron Clark
Rev. Mike and Ann Clayton
Dr. F. Gladwin Connell
Rev. Wm. Christopher and Kathy T. Cooper
Mrs. Lee Cress
Rev. Allen and Conny Crum
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Darwin
Beth and David Deere
Rev. Lauren DeLano and Dr. Jacob Grosskopf
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Donaldson
William and Maurica Dooley
Rev. Barbara Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Douglas
Amy Ezell
Mrs. Martha L. Faulkner
Rev. David Fleming and Dr. Karla Hefty
Dr. John and Mrs. Amy Forbus*
Jim and Karen Foust
Rev. David Mrs. Katie Freeman
Rev. J.J. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson
Mrs. Helen Giessen Guenter*
Dr. Robert and Brenda Gullett
Rev. Judy and Mr. Steve Hall
Jenny Harmon*
Rev. Phil and Mrs. Gwen Hathcock
Barbara Rogers Hoover
Revs. Miranda and Chad Hornsby*
Dick and Rev. Donna Huie
Janice and Bob Huie
Keith and Paula Ihms
Frances R. Jarvis
Bert Kell
Larry and Grace Kelso
Revs. Lynn and Nathan Kilbourne
Bill and Missy Kincaid
Carolyn and Paul Lasseigne
Stark Ligon
Mark and Harriet Mack*
Betty Gene and Richard S. Mann
Bill and Karon Mann
Melinda and Eddie Martin
Mrs. Pat Matthews
Michael Mattox
Rev. C.E. and Mrs. Gloria McAdoo
Michael and Lisa McGibbony
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McLarty
Ginny and Shawn McMurray
Bishop Laura Merrill
Carl Miller
Lorraine Miller and Larry Slingsby
Rev. and Mrs. Ronnie Miller-Yow
Mrs. George Mitchell
Revs. David and Edna Morgan
Jimmy and Lorraine Mosby
Rev. Bonda D. Moyer*
Bishop Gary and Karen Mueller
Rev. Don Nolley
Jeanie and Gary Nutter
Loria and Kent Oliver
Wanda O'Quinn
Revs. Shane and Sara Pair
Rev. Ken and Joni Pearson
Jill and Ted Penick
The President of Philander Smith University
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Prewitt
Revs. Corey and Dan Read
Bud and Carey Reeves
Peggy Roberson
Revs. Dede and Michael Roberts
Rev. Zach and Beth Roberts
Drs. Stephen and Julie Routon
Rev. Judy Rudd
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Decie Shirron
Steve Shults
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Skaer
Karen and Rev. Britt Skarda
Dewitt and Cindy Smith
Rev. Roy and Dr. Sandy Smith
Rev. Dennis and Mrs. Denise Spence
F.S. “Sandy” Stroope
Jan and Charles Sullivan
Sam and Carole Teague
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Trice
Mr. and Mrs. Clefton Vaughan
Beverly Villines
Eddie and Gwen Walker
Rev. Dr. UC and Mona Washington
Dr. Clark and Rev. Brittany Watson
Penny and Gordon Wilbourn*
Mr. Brandon and Rev. Jennie Williams
Rev. Dane and Dr. Jill Womack
Rev. Mackey and Mrs. Cindy Yokem
*New members joining in 2024 and 2025
Lifetime Members of the Bishops' Club
Elise Argue
Rebecca and Ritter Arnold
Karen J. Barnwell
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bush
Rev. J. Wayne and Rynnett Clark*
Catherine and Dr. Howard Cockrill
Rev. and Mrs. Chuck Coffelt
Bishop Charles and Karen Crutchfield
Rev. Ronald W. Durham
Rev. Pam Estes
Sue Frank
The Garrett Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Grace
John and Lu Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Rush Harding, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart
Rev. and Mrs. Chester Jones
Ginny and Baker Kurrus
Becki and John Lusk
Gale and Jim Markley
Mardell McClurkin
Mr. Vernon McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. William Mendenhall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Leyden and Jan Pugh
Mrs. Iva Purtee
Grace Ellen Rice
Martha Sowell
Rev. Davis and Mrs. Laura Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wood
*New members joining in 2023 and 2024